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简介:This is the first of two reports on plans to export U.S. coal to China.

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Steve McMinn
Dan Pike
And it's not just about quality of life - it's about the future of the planet. But the reality is there's no other way to engage in global environmental issues like coal exports without focusing on the local impacts. After all, it is perfectly legal to dig up coal, transport it thousands of miles by rail and ship, and burn it for electricity. But climate change is pretty far down on the list of concerns they bring up in their community. "Global warming is an issue that most people aren't very interested in.And it's, it's people are interested in their own lives." So Steve McMinn knows this is where think global, act local comes into play. "We both think that the rail corridor is the place to stop it." At the moment, the train line through town is usually a minor inconvenience - a throwback to the days when Bellingham was an industrial town. They actually mined coal nearby and shipped it off to power plants. Mayor Dan Pike meets me at another waterfront park near the tracks. He says he wants to move his city beyond its industrial era. The coal terminal doesn't fit that new image.