

The truth is, we can no longer wait for Congress to do its job. The middle-class families who've been struggling for years are tired of waiting. They need help now. So where Congress won't act, I will. This week, we announced a new policy that will help families whose home values have fallen to refinance their mortgages and save thousands of dollars. We're making it easier for veterans to get jobs putting their skills to work in hospitals and community health centers. We reformed the student loan process so more young people can get out of debt faster. And we're going to keep announcing more changes like these on a regular basis. These steps will make a difference. But they won't take the place of the bold action we need from Congress to get this economy moving again. That's why I need all of you to make your voices heard. Tell Congress to stop playing politics and start taking action on jobs. If we want to rebuild an economy where every American has the chance to get ahead, and we gonna need every American to get involved. That's how real change has always happened, and that's how it'll happen today. Thanks.
事实就是,我们不能坐等国会去做好它的本职工作。对于努力了好几年的中层阶级家庭来说,他们已经厌倦这样一直等下去了。他们现在就需要帮助。所以。既然国会不准备去扮演这个角色,就让我来吧。 这周,我们宣布了一条新的政策,这条政策将帮助那些生活水平已经下降到只能靠抵押贷款过活的家庭,并且能为这些家庭节省几千美元。我们将让退伍老兵能更轻松的在医院和社会健康中心找到能够发挥他们专长的工作。我们改革学生贷款机制以让年轻人能更快的摆脱那些债务问题。并且我们将在符合条件的基础上,同时出台多条新举措。 这些步骤将带给我们一些不一样的东西。但是他们还是替代不了那些我们所需要的来自国会的大胆举措。这就是我为什么需要听到你们大声的呼吁。大声呼吁吧,告诉国会别再玩弄那些所谓的政治手段,转而在工作这一问题上采取些实际行动。假如我们想要去重建一个经济体,且它能让每一个美国人都拥有机会成功,并且这还是需要每一个美国公民去参与其中。这就是实际上应该发生的转变,而且在今天,这些改变将会实现。 谢谢。 ——译文来自: 一个半傻瓜