
Uttar Pradesh

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When Munni arrived in this fertile, sugarcane-growing region of north India as a young bride years ago, little did she imagine she would be forced into having sex and bearing children with her husband's two brothers who had failed to find wives. "My husband and his parents said I had to share myself with his brothers," said the woman in her mid-40s, dressed in a yellow sari, sitting in a village community center in Baghpat district in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh. "They took me whenever they wanted -- day or night. When I resisted, they beat me with anything at hand," said Munni, who had managed to leave her home after three months only on the pretext of visiting a doctor. "Sometimes they threw me out and made me sleep outside or they poured kerosene over me and burned me." Such cases are rarely reported to police because women in these communities are seldom allowed outside the home unaccompanied, and the crimes carry deep stigma for the victims. So there may be many more women like Munni in the mud-hut villages of the area. Munni, who has three sons from her husband and his brothers, has not filed a police complaint either. Social workers say decades of aborting female babies in a deeply patriarchal culture has led to a decline in the population of women in some parts of India, like Baghpat, and in turn has resulted in rising incidents of rape, human trafficking and the emergence of "wife-sharing" amongst brothers.
若干年前,当年轻的穆尼嫁到印度北部这片富饶的甘蔗盛产区时,她从未想到自己的丈夫会和两个娶不到老婆的兄弟“共妻”,并生养子女。 40多岁的穆尼说:“我的丈夫和公婆逼我做他们兄弟三人的老婆。”当时她穿着黄色的沙丽,坐在印度北方邦巴格帕特区一个村落的活动中心。 穆尼说:“他们不分白天黑夜地折磨我。如果我反抗,他们随手抄起东西就打我。”三个月后,以看医生为借口,穆尼才获准出家门。 “有时他们把我赶出来,让我睡在外面,还朝我泼煤油烧我。” 但警方很少接到报警,因为这些地区的女性通常不准独自出门,而且对受害者来说,这是极大的耻辱。因此在该地区的泥棚村落里,还有更多女性的遭遇和穆尼类似。 穆尼也没有报警。她和丈夫兄弟三人生育了三个儿子。 社工表示,印度的族长文化根深蒂固,几十年来很多女婴被堕胎,这导致印度的巴格帕特等地区女性人数锐减,造成强奸和拐卖人口案例增多,以及兄弟“共妻”现象的出现。