原文标题:Drug abuse goes online
官网日期:10-30-2011 21:01 BJT




There're drug addicts from across the country and they gather to share in their addictions. They are no different from ordinary drug abusers, only they gather in online chat-rooms rather than face to face. Usually they use something quite simple. Beverage bottles and straws are the only equipment that they need to consume the drugs. "If you want to enter the chat-rooms, you need someone to introduce you and you have to prove yourself as a drug user. Sometimes you even need a video evidence." Most of the drug users are in their 20s and mid-30s, usually with low-education background. The majority are unemployed while others are businessmen. They use drugs together, talk about their feelings and participate in the buying and selling of narcotics. After a six-month investigation, police finally managed to gain enough evidence. On September 2nd, a nationwide crackdown began. Police in 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities took action at the same time. 144 drug trafficking groups were broken up in the campaign and more than 300 kilograms of drug were seized.
瘾君子向来屡见不鲜,而他们常厮混在一起。 他们和一般的毒瘾者基本没什么两样,唯一不同的就是他们不在现实中聚众,而是混迹在网络聊天室里。他们吸毒的装备很简单,饮料瓶和吸管就足够了。 “如果你想加入聊天室,得有人给你介绍,并且你得证明自己是个瘾君子。有时候你甚至需要录像证明。” 这些吸毒者普遍文化程度不高,年纪在二三十岁左右。当中大部分都是游手好闲的无业青年,只有少数是商人。他们一起吸毒,讨论快感,并参与到毒品的买卖当中。经过半年的调查,公安机关终于搜集到足够证据,在9月2日展开了一场全国性的缉毒行动。31个省市和自治区的公安部门同时出动,共捣毁144个运毒团伙,缴获300多公斤毒品。