B失去了去耶鲁的机会 找Nelly掐架 大骂N羡慕嫉妒恨她所以向Gossip Girl爆料导致她没有去成耶鲁 反而是Nelly成为了耶鲁的提前录取新生 N告诉了B残酷的现实 就是 没人羡慕B 而且喜欢看B被恶整的人 多得不计其数 恰逢Gossip Girl爆料 B对伯爵和伯爵的母亲乱伦的事情睁一只眼闭一只眼 God 真的有人想要把B置于死地


<听写方式: 填写对话缺失的部分,不用带数字序号>

<温馨提示:点击 开始听写按钮就会出现答题框哦 听写完后点击 提交听写 按钮才会有相应的沪元奖励哟>

B:My problem is a two-faced, four-eyed devious little snipe in a fat suit. __1__
N:I don't know what you're talking about.
B:Everyone's jealous of me because my life is perfect, __2__
N:People aren't jealous of you, Blair. They hate you. I didn't call Yale, and good luck figuring out who did. __3__
G:Wanna hear the sickest scandal ever? Remember B's lord? It turns out he was giving the royal treatment to his own queen mother, and the worst part?__4__ How desperate can you be, B?
P:No wonder Yale dumped you. who wants inbred legacies?
N: Someone's out to get you, Blair.__5__

ps:【绯闻女孩】出节目单啦~\(≧▽≦)/~ 欢迎大家订阅~
Did you really think you could rat me out to Yale and get away with it? and you've always been the most jealous of all. There are about a thousand people who would relish taking you down. B knew and ignored it. It's just not me.
B:我这样 是因为你这个 穿胖女装的双面四眼八婆 你还真以为自己能 把我从耶鲁挤出去 在一边得意吗 N:不知道你在说什么 B:所有人都为我的生活无比完美而嫉妒我 你是最嫉妒我的那个 N:大家不嫉妒你 布莱尔 大家讨厌你 打给耶鲁的不是我 祝你好运继续找出真凶吧 喜欢看你被恶整的人 多得 不计其数 G:想不想听最恶心的丑闻 还记得B的公爵吗 原来他曾给自己母亲献上皇家伺候哦 而最让人大跌眼镜的是 B却对 此睁只眼闭只眼 你还真是自降身段啊 B P:怪不得耶鲁不要你 哪有人想要你的乱伦传统 N:布莱尔 有人想整死你 可惜不是我