
Michael Balick is an Ethnobotanist. He studies how people use native plants to maintain their heath. He gives an example from the small Micronesian island of Pohnpei in the western Pacific.

Michael Balick: [----1---] And they make a tea out of it.

Balick, who spoke to EarthSky from his office at the New York Botanical Garden, said his research team was puzzled by the widespread use of this tea. That's because Pohnpei's cinnamon contains a cancer-causing agent called saffrol.

Michael Balick: [---2---]

Balick and his colleagues found that the heat of the tea removed the harmful chemical from the cinnamon. [---3---]

Michael Balick: [---4---]


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Well, there is a species of cinnamon tree only found on Pohnpei, it's not found anywhere else in the world, and the people there use it to treat back pain. And we wondered why people were not getting tumors from drinking so much of this tea. He said this optimal way of preparing this natural pain reliever had likely been discovered by island natives after generations of trial and error. But the problem is that the elders who have this knowledge are not teaching it to the young people. Balick suggested that if all the world's plants were studied for their medicinal value, we could increase the number of pharmaceutical medicines available by tenfold.