为何 女王B泪水满眶 B&C明明相爱 可是 却都是花心和耍手段的高手 谁不害怕自己受伤 自己付出的真心只是被心爱的人玩弄呢?尤其你喜欢的人是个演戏和耍手段的高手的时候 就这样 B&C为了各自的骄傲 各自的自尊心 最后依旧分隔两头
我真想吐槽 Dan你搅个啥局啊 不是你这两人就一起了(╯ ̄Д ̄)╯╘═╛ 多事戳我看绯闻女孩第二季第8集>>

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<温馨提示:点击 开始听写按钮就会出现答题框哦 听写完后点击 提交听写 按钮才会有相应的沪元奖励哟>

C:I'm sorry, __1__
B:Yes. This is so silly. what does it matter who says it first? Why don't we just say it together?
B:Why does everything have to be a deal?
C:Because we made it one. __3__, Blair? You told me you had something to say to me. Say it.
B:Why do I have to be the one to go first? I was the one who waited on that helipad for you. I went to Tuscany alone.
C:It's ancient history.
C:At the white party? When you were on your way out with the count? Did you really think I was going to say it then?
B:Yes, and when you didn't, I wanted to die.
C:Don't tell me you brought me all the way to Brooklyn for this I thought you were ready to tell me how you really felt. Obviously it was just another one of your games.
B:My games? you're the one who started this.

ps:【绯闻女孩】出节目单啦~\(≧▽≦)/~ 欢迎大家订阅~
but don't you have something you want to say to me? Because that wasn't the deal. What's going on I was the one who asked you to say it first. And you're the one who finished it.
C:不好意思 不过你是不是有些东西 要对我说呢 B:是的 好傻啊 谁先说又怎么样呢 为什么不一起说呢 C:因为之前不是那样说好的 B:为什么非要按说好的办呢 C:因为我们说好了 怎么 布莱尔 你说你有话跟我说的 说啊 B:为什么我要先说 我曾在那个直升机场那样等你 我独自一人去了托斯卡纳 C:陈年旧事了 B:是我先问你说这三个字的 C:在那个下午茶会么 就是你和那个公爵一起走的那次么 你认为我那时会说么 B:是的 可是你没说 我连死的心都有了 C:别告诉我你大老远拉我来布鲁克林就为了跟我说这 我认为你已经告诉我你的想法了 很明显这又是你的一场游戏 B:我的游戏? 你才是发起这场游戏的人 C:而你 是结束它的人