小提示: 听听宅男们的囧言囧语,填写对话缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号。注意句子开头要大写哦


-Leonard:Hello, Leslie.
- Leslie:Hi, Leonard.
-Leonard:Leslie, I would like to ___1___ an experiment...
-Leslie:Goggles, Leonard.
-Leonard:Right. Leslie, I would like propose an experiment.
-Leslie:Hang on. I'm trying to see how long it takes a 500 kilowatt oxygen iodine laser to heat up my ______2_____.
-Leonard:I've done it. About two seconds. 2. 6 for minestrone. Anyway, I was thinking more of a bio- social exploration with a neuro-chemical overlay.
-Leslie:Wait, are you asking me out?
-Leonard:I was going to characterize it as the modification of our colleague- slash-friendship paradigm, with the addition of a date like component, but we don't need to quibble over terminology.
-Leslie:What sort of experiment would you propose?
-Leonard:_________3__________. I would pick you up, take you to a restaurant. Then we would see a movie, probably a _____4_____ featuring the talents of Hugh Grant or Sandra Bullock.
-Leslie:Interesting. And would you agree that the primary way we would evaluate either the success or failure of the date would be _____5_____ the biochemical reaction during the good night kiss?
-Leonard:Heart rate, pheromones, etc. Yes.
-Leslie:Why don't we just stipulate that the date goes well and move to the key variable?
-Leonard:You mean kiss you now?
-Leonard:Can you define the parameters of the kiss?
-Leslie:Close mouthed but romantic. Mint?
-Leonard:Thank you. ___________6__________?
-Leslie:No, I think it needs to be spontaneous. What do you think?
-Leonard:You proposed the experiment. I think you should present your findings first.
-Leslie:_______7______. On the plus side, it was a good kiss. Reasonable technique, no extraneous spittle. On the other hand, no ___8___.
-Leonard:Well, thank you for your time.
-Leslie:Thank you.
propose cup noodles There's a generally accepted pattern in this area romantic comedy based on Shall I count down from three Fair enough arousal
-Leonard:嗨,Leslie。 - Leslie:嗨,Leonard。 -Leonard:Leslie,我建议做个实验... -Leslie:戴上护目镜,Leonard。(goggles:护目镜) -Leonard:好吧。Leslie,我建议做个实验。 -Leslie:等一下。我想看看500千瓦氧碘化学激光,得花多久把我的杯面加热。(iodine:碘;laser:激光;heat up:加热;cup noodles:(速食)杯面) -Leonard:我试过,大概2秒,蔬菜汤花2.6秒。总之,我一直致力于神经化学物质条件下,生理与社会的探索工作。(minestrone:蔬菜汤;neuro-:神经;overlay:叠加,覆盖) -Leslie:等等,你是在约我出去么? -Leonard:我想把咱俩的关系变成同事/朋友关系的范例,外加个约会作为补充成分,不过咱不需要对术语吹毛求疵。(characterize:描述;modification:更改,修改;slash:斜杠;paradigm:范例;with the addition of:外加;quibble:诡辩;terminology:术语) -Leslie:你计划做怎样的实验? -Leonard:在这个领域里,有种普遍接受的模式。我开车去接你,带你去餐厅,接着我们可以看场电影。也许由Hugh Grant或Sandra Bullock这两位天才演绎的浪漫轻喜剧。(comedy:喜剧;featuring :以…为特征;talent:天才) -Leslie:有意思。你是否同意,我们评价约会成败的依据是基于离别之吻时的化学反应?( biochemical:生物化学的) -Leonard:心跳率、性外激素等等,的确。(Heart rate:心率;pheromones:信息素;etc.(拉丁文):等等) -Leslie:我们何不假定约会进展顺利,然后直奔关键变量呢?(stipulate:规定,约定;variable:变数) -Leonard:你意思是现在就吻你? -Leslie:是的。 -Leonard:你能定义一下接吻的参数吗?(define:界定;parameters:参量,参数) -Leslie:嘴唇的亲密度还有浪漫度。要薄荷吗?(mint:薄荷) -Leonard:谢谢。我倒数三下?(count down:倒数) -Leslie:不,我觉得应该自然点。……感觉怎么样?(spontaneous:自发的,无意识的) -Leonard:你提出的实验方案,该由你先说说实验的发现。 -Leslie:很公平。从正面讲,这个吻很不错。技术到位术,没有多余的唾沫。另一方面讲,没什么感觉。(plus side:正侧;extraneous:无关的;spittle:唾沫;arousal:n. 激励, 鼓励) -Leonard: 一点也没有? -Leslie:没有。 -Leonard:呃,很感谢你抽出时间。 -Leslie:谢谢你。 (翻译解析提供:脏乖)