
proboscis monkeys

Actually, proboscis monkeys from Borneo and cows do have something in common: They both chew their cuds. Proboscis monkeys are reddish brown, long tailed primates known for their large noses. Babies are born with normal size noses, but by time they are adults, males can sport noses up to seven inches long. Proboscis monkeys are both arboreal and amphibious, which makes them good climbers and swimmers. But it's their leafy diets that have led to the evolution of a digestive tract very similar to cows. Cows and other ruminants have multi-chambered stomachs adapted for breaking down foods that are high in cellulose, a plant fiber that resists digestion. Cows use colonies of bacteria in one chamber of their stomach to cut apart the cellulose. They also chew their cud, which means they regurgitate their food from their stomach to their mouth and re-chew it to make the pieces smaller. This behavior helps break the food into smaller and smaller pieces so that bacteria can digest as much as possible.
实际上,来自婆罗州的吻猴与奶牛确实有些相似点:他们都会咀嚼他们吐出来的食物。吻猴是一种颜色为微红褐色的,具有长尾的灵长类动物,并因他们长长的鼻子被我们所熟知。 猴子生下来时的鼻子是正常的,但是当他们成年是,雄性猴子的鼻子可以达到7英寸长。 吻猴可以栖息在树上和水里,这使得他们具有很好的爬行和游泳能力。但是却是因为他们喜食树叶的饮食导致他们进化为与奶牛相似的消化道。 奶牛及其他泛出类动物具有多室的胃及消化含有高纤维素的食物,纤维素是一种植物纤维能够抵抗消化。 奶牛利用一个胃腔内的细菌克隆繁殖来使纤维素分成小块。他们也咀嚼反刍的食物,这表明他们将食物吐回到嘴巴并在此咀嚼以使食物变的更小。 这一行为可以使食物越来越小以使细菌可以更多的吸收。