上期B发现S替代了自己 成为了B母亲Eleanor设计的衣服的模特的位置 盛怒之下对S恶言相向
而这期 事实的真相已经浮出水面 B的母亲Eleanor选择了S替代B作为自己衣服的模特
悟出真相的B质问自己的母亲Eleanor 而后和S再次和好 之后 B&S又做了什么让B的母亲跳脚的事情呢戳我看gossip girl 第一季第四集

<听写方式: 填写对话缺失的部分,不用带数字序号>

B:Did you choose Serena over me? You could've picked a stranger. __1__ What, did you think that I wouldn't find out?
E:I was going to tell you tonight...at dinner.It -- there was no right decision. There...there -- there wasn't any time. I know you can understand all this. It was mishandled -- the whole thing--__2__.
B:You actually want me to agree with you.
E:Bendel's will legitimize this company.__3__ You know how hard I have worked for that. You've always been my biggest supporter, my biggest fan.
B:I'm your daughter.
E:And as my daughter, I knew that you would forgive me, in time, but if my company had lost this deal because of you? I'd never forgive myself.
B:I hope you never do.
Gossip Girl:You didn't hear it from us, but in every girl's life, there comes a moment __4__.
You didn't have to choose my best friend. from top to bottom It will take everything to the next level. when she realizes that her mother just might be more messed up than she is
B:你是不是选了Serena而不是我? 你本来可以选一个我不认识的 你没必要选我最好的朋友 怎么 你认为我发现不了吗? E:我本来打算今晚告诉你的...晚饭上 这种决定不能用对错来衡量 时--时间不够 我知道你会理解的 这事没处理好--整个事情--从头到尾 B:你其实很想让我赞同你 E:Bendel公司将要使这家公司 成为姊妹公司 将会把一切推向全新的一页 你知道我为此工作的多么辛苦 你一直都是我最大的支持者 最忠心的粉丝 B:我是你女儿 E:做为我女儿 我知道你会原谅我的 但是如果公司因为你而失去这门生意 我将决不原谅我自己 B:我希望你不要 gossip girl:不用我们告诉你 但是每个女孩的生活里 会有一个时候她会意识到 她的母亲可能比她自己 更加执迷不悟