
<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号>


M: I'm on my way.
Uh,I'm late for my blowout at Arden's.
N: Mom,please.
The drugs were dad's.
I mean,I guess he thought it'd be easier on everyone,
[---1---],but they were his.
M: I don't understand.
N: No,[---2---],then I caught him buying more.
M: The lengths that you will go
to to get out of trouble,Nate.
N: Mom,he has a problem.
I need your help,please.
Just look at me. Mom.
I saw dad buying drugs yesterday.
M: He's been under a lot of pressure,
and if you hadn't been so difficult lately...
N: What?
M: [---4---],Nate.
All this business with
Dartmouth, your issues with Blair.
N: Mom,dad needs your help.
We have a celebratory dinner to get to.
if I took the hit he promised me he would flush the coke You look down at the floor every time someone tries to tell you the truth. Your latest rebellions have been very hard on your father Not another word of this. Please wear a tie.
M: 我马上到 我赶着要去Arden家的宴会 N: 妈妈 听我说 那些毒品是我爸的 我是说 我想他大概觉得 如果让我做替罪羊 可能大家都能接受得到 但那些毒品是他的 M: 我不明白 他答应我他会把那些白粉给冲掉 但我发现他又买了 M: Nate 为了给自己脱罪 你居然敢说出这样的话! N: 妈妈 他现在有麻烦了 求你了 我需要你帮忙 每次有人要告诉你真相 你都盯着地板看 妈妈 你看着我 昨天我亲眼看到我爸在买白粉 M: 他压力一直很大 要是你最近没这么麻烦的话 N: 甚么? M: Nate 你最近的叛逆让你父亲难以应付 不肯上Dartmouth大学 你和Blair的矛盾? N: 妈妈 爸爸需要你的帮助 M: 那就别再提这件事了 我们还要参加庆祝晚宴呢 记得打领带