男一号内特和其父就Blair 产生矛盾·····

<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号>

Howie Archibald: Nice try, son.
Nate Archibald: Maybe next time.
Howie Archibald: You seem upbeat this morning. Did you have fun with Blair last night?
Nate Archibald: [---1---]
Howie Archibald: oh, you want my advice? Apologize, even if it was her fault. Flowers, maybe some jewelry if she's really upset. [---2---]
Nate Archibald: I don't know. I think it might be for the best.
Howie Archibald: Wait a minute. [---3---]
Nate Archibald: Yeah, I guess we did.
Howie Archibald: Blair is a great girl.
Nate Archibald: I know. [---4---]
Howie Archibald: And you guys have been dating since kindergarten.
Nate Archibald: So I keep hearing.
Howie Archibald: Well, you love her, don't you? Yes, I do.
Nate Archibald: I just think [---5---]you know?
Howie Archibald: Maybe not right now.
Actually, we got into a pretty big fight. Always works for your mom. You guys broke up? I'm just not sure if she's the girl for me. it might be good for us to take a break,
Howie Archibald: 做得不错,儿子 Nate Archibald: 下次会更好 Howie Archibald: 今天早上你看起来挺开心的,昨天晚上和布莱尔过得不错吗? Nate Archibald: 其实,我们大吵了一架 Howie Archibald:你需要我的建议吗?去道歉,就算那是她的错。 送花,如果她很伤心的话 ,就送些珠宝。在你妈身上总是奏效。 Nate Archibald: 我不知道,我觉得这样可能更好 Howie Archibald: 等等,你们分手了? Nate Archibald: 我想应该是 Howie Archibald: 布莱尔是个不错的女孩 Nate Archibald: 我知道 ,我只是不确定她是否适合我 Howie Archibald: 你们从幼儿园就开始约会了 Nate Archibald: 我一直都听人这么说 Howie Archibald: 你爱她,不是吗? Nate Archibald:是的,我只是觉得,我们该分开一阵子 Howie Archibald: 也许不是现在。