

Next time you spot a fly buzzing around your boudoir, wait a minute before reaching for the fly swatter to check out the incredible aeronautical feats a fly can perform with ease! To stay airborne, a fly has to flap its wings from about two to over three hundred times per second. The speed of repetitive human muscle contractions doesn't even come close. Our muscle fibers can contract only 10 or 11 times per second at most!But, flies aren't just mechanical buzzers. Have you ever wondered how a fly executes the complex, in-flight maneuver that allows it to land upside down on the ceiling? This isn't just a question for lazy, fly-swatting summer afternoons. In fact, before the advent of high-speed photography, there was heated debate among scientists as to exactly how a fly flips over in order to land on a ceiling. High-speed cameras have revealed that a fly performs this feat not like a rigid airplane doing aeronautical tricks, but like a limber circus acrobat entertaining a crowd.
当你下一次发现卧室里有嗡嗡声时,在你准备拿蝇拍之间留一点时间来核查苍蝇可以轻易完成的不可思议的航空壮举。 为了保持飞行状态,苍蝇必须挥动它的翅膀200到300多次每秒钟。而这样的速度,人类的肌肉甚至不能完成一次收缩。我们的肌纤维1秒钟最多只能收缩10或者11次。苍蝇并不是机械的飞行器。你是否曾经想知道苍蝇是怎样完成这一复杂的飞行技巧,以使其可以附在天花板上? 这并不只是慵懒的、不断拍打苍蝇的盛夏下午的问题。事实上,在高速摄像系统出现之前,对于苍蝇究竟是如何翻转以使其可以附着在天花板上这一问题在科学家中早已存在热议。高速摄像机已经揭示出苍蝇完成这一壮举并不是像坚硬的飞机玩杂技表演,而是像一个身体柔软的杂技演员娱乐大众一样。