
Jennifer Kuzma: Be aware that nanotechnology is out there. It can have great benefits, but that there will be some risks [---1---].

You are listening to Jennifer Kuzma with the Center for Science, Technology, and Public Policy at the University of Minnesota. Kuzma studies the impact of nanotechnology – the engineering of materials at the [---2---] — on the food we eat. She's an expert on nanotechnology regulation in the United States.

Jennifer Kuzma: So, the current level of [---3---] is really basically 'stay the course' — regulate them under existing laws.

Nowadays, you see the word 'nano' used in advertising. But products using that word may not be made with nanotechnology. Meanwhile, actual nanoproducts don't need to be identified as such. Kuzma said that's a problem.

Jennifer Kuzma: Nanoparticles, or nanomaterials can [---4---] through tissues, can [---4---] cells, the nucleus of some cells.

She thinks better consumer information is needed for products made with nanotechnology.

Jennifer Kuzma: [---5---]

Thanks today to the USDA Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, the National Research Initiative Program and Cornell University.

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inevitably atomic scale oversight penetrate You can't currently get the information that you need to get in order to evaluate those risks and benefits and make your own informed choices.