the Constitution
Ken Wisnefski
校稿 Season111
翻译 小章丶Cat
组长 lisa1128
WebiMax has two sides to its business. The company can organize online publicity campaigns to try to limit the harm done by negative comments or bad news. Mr. Wisnefski says when a client gets in the news for the wrong reasons, his company does not try to hide what happened. Instead, it develops a c…
WebiMax的事业包括两个方面。该公司可在网上组织一些宣传活动来减少负面评论和消息所造成的不利。Wisnefski先生表示,当客户不小心被丑闻缠身的时候,他们公司不会试图掩盖真相,而是通过开展活动来表明该客户正以积极有效的方式处理这个问题。 由此看来,他们的工作和传统公关非常相似,只不过是在网络上进行。 可…