George Ballas
Houston Chronicle
Bill Curran
Penn State University
Maria Louisa Marulanda
校稿 lahmmsc
翻译 lahmmsc
组长 澈底
To find out, he placed lengths of fishing line through holes in a tin can. He attached the can to the spinning part of a motorized grass edger. The result? A revolution for millions of people who cut grass for a living or just to keep their neighbors happy. His invention grew into a company whic…
为了验证他的想法,他将一些等长的钓鱼线穿过一个易拉罐的洞口,然后把该易拉罐连接到一个电动割草机的旋转部位。结果如何?这为数百万以割草为生或者为取悦于邻居的人们带来了一次技术革新。 他的发明逐渐发展成一家公司。后来,他卖了该公司。 乔治•巴拉斯以“除草大王”而闻名世界。他曾经对《休斯顿纪事报》说…