Wanna get out of the hospital alive?Well, the nursing staff has a lot to do with it.Now a study finds that a patient’s risk of dying _____1_____ the number of work shifts that a hospital is _____2_____ in nurses.The research was published in The New England Journal of Medicine.
The study included almost 198,000 patients, during nearly 177,000 eight-hour nursing shifts.
The research team originally reported that hospital nurse staffing ____3____ patients’ outcomes a decade ago.That study was challenged because data were collected at several institutions, and thus had ____4____ possibly confounding variables.In the current study, all data were collected at a single, large academic medical center in the U.S.
The researchers found that a patient’s risk of death increased by about two percent for each work shift that was what the researchers ____5____ as understaffed.Patients in the study averaged three such shifts, which meant that their risk of dying increased by more than six percent compared with patients with access to fully staffed nursing teams.So when it comes to nurses it’s about quality—and quantity.
goes up along with understaffed was tied to numerous categorized
护士数量少=死亡风险高?! 想活着走出医院吗?当然,这也不是不可能,只是这与医院看护人员有着莫大的关系。如今一研究发现,病人死亡的风险随医院缺少医护人员导致的轮班次数改变而增加。此研究发表在《新英格兰医学杂志》上。 该研究在将近十七万七千个八小时轮班护理的过程中,调查了大约十九万八千名患者。 研究团队曾在十年前就已经发现患者的存亡率与医院的护理人员有着密切关系。由于此前的数据是从数所医院获取的,其中难免会存在一些影响结果的混杂变量,所以该调查结果受到了质疑。近期调查中,所有数据都取自美国的一所独立的大型医疗学术中心。 研究人员发现,对于那些医护人员不足的医院来说,每轮班一次,患者死亡的风险就会增加百分之二。调查中的患者平均由三班医护人员护理,与那些由全职医护人员护理的患者相比,他们的死亡风险上升了不止百分之六。因此,医护人员保证护理质量的同时也要保证数量。