
彼得·帕克自幼父母双亡,他和舅舅、舅妈一起生活,过着一种默默无闻的普通学生生活。在一次学校组织的活动中,彼得被蜘蛛咬了一口,第二天彼得突然发现自己变得敏锐、迅捷,身体里透出无穷的力量。彼特首先利用他的能力去挣钱,但是血本无归以后,他牢记心爱的本叔叔的话:"能力越大,责任就越大",他发誓要将自己的一生献给与犯罪行为作斗争。 与此同时,哈里的父亲、科学家诺曼由于一次实验方案出了事故,智慧和力量大增,但也让他陷入了精神错乱。诺曼现在成为了蜘蛛侠的主要对手----绿魔,他将彻底考验年轻的彼特-帕克与犯罪行为作战、帮助无辜人们的誓言。




听力形式:听写填空 不用写序号,不用标标点

Spider-Man 蜘蛛人

G: Wake up, little spider, wake up. No, you're not dead yet. Just [----1----]. You're an amazing [----2----], Spider-Man. You and I are not so different.

S: I'm not like you. You're a murderer

G: Well, [----3----]. I chose my path, you chose the way of the hero. And they found [----4----], the people of this city. But the one thing [----5----], fall, die trying. [----6----], eventually, they will hate you. Why bother?

S: Because it's right.

G: Here's the real truth. There are [----7----] people in this city. And those teeming masses exist for the sole purpose of [----8----]. You, me, we're exceptional. I could squash you like a bug right now. But I'm offering you a choice. Join me. [----9----]. What we could create. Or we could destory. Cause the deaths of [----10----] again and again and again until we're both dead. Is that what you want? Think about it, hero.

paralyzed temporarily creature to each his own you amusing for a while they love more than a hero is to see a hero fail In spite of everything you've done for them 8 million lifting the few exceptional people onto their shoulders Imagine what we could accomplish together countless innocents in selfish battle
醒来吧,小蜘蛛,醒来…… 放心,你还没有死,还没有…… 你只是暂时被麻痹了。 你真的很不可思议,蜘蛛人。 你和我是那么的相像。 我不像你,你是个杀人凶手。 人各有志 这是我的选择,你选择做英雄。 人们对你只有三分钟热度。 他们最想看到的是英雄的失败,陨落和死亡。 不管你为他们做了什么,最终,他们都会恨你。 何必呢? 因为这是对的。 事实是这个样子的。 纽约有八百万市民。 他们的存在只有一个作用——把少数杰出的天才举到他们的肩上。 像是你,我……这种天才。 我大可以一脚把你踩扁。 但我给你一个选择,加入我。 想象一下我们可以完成的大事。 我们可以开创的未来。 还是我们可以大肆破坏。 为了你所谓的理想,牺牲所有的百姓,直到我们双方都倒下为止,这就是你想要的么? 想想吧,英雄!