Manmohan Singh
Sonia Gandhi
P. Chidambaram
校稿 Akashic
翻译 zpdslshhz
组长 澈底 & wintervest
India's two most powerful political leaders arrived in Mumbai Thursday, as the country's mass media highlighted the anger and frustration of what many describe as the government's consistent failure over the years to protect the city. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and ruling Congress Party Presi…
在该国众多媒体的聚焦之下,长久以来挥之不去的安全问题所引发的人民对政府的愤怒和挫败感一览无遗。为此,印度政府两名核心政治领袖于周四驾临孟买。 印度总理曼莫汉•辛格、执政的国大党主席索尼娅•甘地计划前往慰问住院伤者并督察愈发严重的安全问题。总理辛格说他对当地人民的震惊和愤怒感同身受,并誓言要“不惜一…