January often gets people thinking about what they’ve accomplished over the past 12 months. This year, it got the editors of the medical journal The Lancet to _____1_____ how far health care has come over the past century, and where it continues to ______2______.
A hundred years ago, Squire Sprigge, then editor of The Lancet, _____3_____ "The Promise of 1911". The current editors thought they’d review this clinical score card to see how far we’ve come.
Sadly, a lot of the problems Sprigge outlined still _____4_____ us today. The old editorial ______5_____ the “demon of tuberculosis” and diarrheal diseases in Africa,conditions we have yet to exorcise. It also argues for legislation against“charlatans and quacks,” an issue that apparently arose long before the advent of infomercials.
The need to improve medical education, the role of the press in reporting science news, and the danger of medical tourism —they were all discussed in this century-old article that today’s editors could have run _____6_____ after modernizing the font. Instead they simply conclude that, "Between 1911 and 2011 there is much for medicine to be proud of—and also to be humble about.”
ponder fall short penned a piece entitled plague frets about as is
柳叶刀:医学预言仍未实现 人们总会在一月份回想自己过去的十二个月里都实现了些什么。这一年,对于医学期刊《柳叶刀》的编辑来说,他们仔细思索了在过去的几百年中,医疗保健是否已深入人心,以及还有哪些地方的医疗保健没有达到标准等问题。 一百年前,彼时《柳叶刀》的编辑斯夸尔·斯普里格写了一篇名为《1911的承诺》的文章。当今的编辑想回顾一下这份医学评分卡,看看我们现在已经前进了多少。 遗憾的是,斯普里格曾提到的许多问题如今仍困扰着我们。这篇旧时的社论表达了对非洲“肺结核恶魔”和腹泻疾病的担忧,而直至现今,我们仍未根除这些疾病。该文章还讨论了应当立法禁止“江湖郎中和庸医”——他们早在商业信息广告诞生之前就大行其道了。 医学教育、新闻界在报道科技消息方面所发挥的巨大作用、医疗保健旅游等——所有这些都亟需得到改善,而一百年前的这篇文章都已作出过讨论,现今的编辑们只需将文章字体改成现在流行的字体即可原封不动地发表了。不过他们并未这么做,他们只是做出了如下总结:“1911年到2011年的百年间,医学领域的发展有很多值得我们自豪的地方,以及许多仍需谦卑以待的方面。”