Family Gatherings Are Opportunities for Medical Detective Work

Pop-pop! It’s so good to see you. How are you?

[Man’s voice:] Good, good.

How are those knees holding up? And the old ticker?

[Man: ] Fine. ____1____.

What medications are you taking now, Pop? Have you ever been diagnosed with high-blood pressure? Kidney disease? What about asthma? Any trouble breathing? Now, can you read the letters on the third line?

Man: E, Uh, M, P?

Taking grandpa’s medical history might not seem like ____2____. But geneticists at the University of Alabama at Birmingham note that family gatherings are a great time to learn more about your family’s health issues.
Lots of disorders—like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer—____3____ your genes. So it’s good to know whether grandma has glaucoma or your mom had a brother who died young of a massive coronary. That way your docs can ____4____ diseases to which you might be susceptible. Or maybe the info will inspire you to start taking better care of yourself.
Either way, offer the relatives a cup of holiday cheer. And ____5____ note how much they drank. For your records.
Can’t complain the best way to spread warm holiday wishes have strong roots in screen you for feel free to
家庭聚会是了解家族病史的好机会 Pop-pop! It’s so good to see you. How are you? 爷爷,爷爷,真高兴遇见你!最近怎么样? Man’s voice: Good, good. 还好,还好。 How are those knees holding up? And the old ticker? 膝盖还够强健吗?心脏呢? Man: Fine. Can’t complain. 噢,还不错。 爷爷现在都吃些什么药呢?有没有被诊断出高血压、肾病、哮喘、或是呼吸困难?你现在能看清(视力表)第三行的字母么? Man: E, Uh, M, P? E,呃,M,P? 询问祖父的病史看起来或许不是个送上节日祝福的好方式。但亚拉巴马州大学伯明翰分校的遗传学家注意到家庭聚会是一个更好地了解你的家族健康问题的极佳时机。 许多疾病,如糖尿病、心脏病、癌症等,都极大程度上起源于你的基因。因此你最好知道你的祖母是否有青光眼,或者你的妈妈是否有个兄弟很早就死于大范围冠状动脉血栓症。这样你的医生就能对你可能会患上的疾病进行监控。也或许这些信息将激励你开始更好地照料自己。 不管怎样,跟你的亲属们为庆祝节日干上一两杯吧。随时注意他们的酒量,记录下来,并保持住你自己的记录吧!(For your records 这里有两层含义,一是记录亲属情况,而是保持自己的(某项,如酒量)记录。)