University of Illinois
SAWBO -- Scientific Animations Without Borders
Francisco Seufferheld
Barry Pittendrigh
校稿 maymedici
翻译 龙猫08
组长 蓝色三叶草
Mobile phones are an important business tool for farmers especially in rural areas. But they also put a valuable educational tool in their hands. The University of Illinois in the United States has a project called SAWBO -- Scientific Animations Without Borders. It produces educational videos th…
手机对于乡村地区的农民来说不仅是非常重要的商务工具,同时也是他们手中一个很有价值的教育工具。 美国伊利诺伊大学开展了一个名为SAWBO,即科学动画无国界的项目。该项目制作可下载到手机的教育视频,目的是帮助发展中国家人民改善生活。 其中一个视频向农民展示如何用印度楝的种子制作天然杀虫剂以防止害虫毁坏庄…