Many of our medicines [--1--] plants. But we’re not the only ones who [--2--] nature. There’s increasing evidence that some animals seek out specific plants for their medicinal qualities. A new study shows that monarch butterflies may be among them.
Monarch butterflies—famous for their U.S.–Mexico migration—feed on dozens of species of milkweed. Some milkweeds have a higher concentration of chemicals called cardenolides, which make the butterflies [--3--]. Research had focused on whether the monarc’s chose different milkweeds to hurt their enemies.
But Emory University’s Jaap de Roode wondered if the choice might be related to a parasite that’s passed from mother to offspring, with [--4--]: “What we do find is that the monarchs prefer to lay their eggs on the medicinal species when they are infected. However, when they are not infected with the parasite, they do not prefer this species over this one, they lay their eggs equally between these two species. So somehow they know that they’re infected and they know what to do about it.” The research was published in the journal Ecology Letters.
Co-author Mark Hunter notes that watching animal choices could offer clues about what plants might contain [--5--] medicines for us.
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我们很多的药都是从植物中提取的.但是并不是只有我们才会利用大自然.越来越多的证据表明有些动物也能找出它们所需要的药用植物.一项新的研究显示帝王蝶可能就是其中之一。 闻名于北美-墨西哥长途迁徙的帝王蝶以各种各样的乳草为食.有些乳草含有高浓度化学物质强心甾,这种物质会使蝶儿的捕食者中毒.我们主要研究帝王蝶是否会选择不同的乳草来攻击它们的敌人。 不过艾莫里大学的Jaap de Roode很好奇这种选择是否跟从母体上过继到后代的致命寄生虫有关,“我们发现当帝王蝶被寄生虫感染时,它们倾向于将它们的卵产在药用植物上。但是,如果它们没有被寄生虫感染,它们就不会有这种倾向,它们在两种植物上产卵的几率差不多。所以它们可能就是知道它们被感染了,还知道怎么去处理它。”此项研究曾发表在《生态文学》期刊上。 合著者马克•亨特注到观察动物的选择可以为我们提供哪种植物可做药用提供线索。