Inner peace, inner peace, inner peace, inner peace, inner peace, inner peace, inner peace... Ahem. Oh, I'm trainning. The mast is not a worthy opponent. I'm ready. OK, so serious. Ha ha ha ha, I think I prefer the mast. Apologies, I used to punch the ironwood trees by the palace to train. Now, I feel nothing. That's severely cool.
心平气和、心平气和、心平气和、心平气和、心平气和、心平气和、心平气和…… 嗯哼! 噢,我在练功呢。 桅杆可不是个好对手啊,来,咱俩练练! 好吧,来真的了!哈哈哈嗷——疼啊,我想我还是喜欢打桅杆。 不好意思,我以前打宫殿边上的铁树练习,现在我的手根本就不怕痛了。 那真是酷毙了!