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One morning, the giant is lying in bed. He ____ hears something. It sounds like a bird singing. "That is ____," he thinks. "I don't hear the wind blowing or the hail falling outside." The giant looks out his window. He sees some children sitting in the trees. The trees have blossoms growing on them. There are birds flying around and singing. Flowers and green grass cover the ground. In one ____, spring hasn't returned. A little boy is crying under a ____ tree there. He wants to climb the tree, but he is too short. The North Wind is blowing around him. "Climb up," says the tree to the boy. "I can't," cries the little boy. "I'm too ____."
The giant feels very sad for the boy. "Spring has not come to my garden. Now, I know why," he thinks. "I have been very selfish. I will put the poor little boy in the tree." Now the giant wants the children to play in his garden every day. He wants them to climb up ____ the trees. He wants them to run around and laugh. He wants them to be happy.
The giant opens his door and goes out into the garden. When the children see the giant, they are ____ and run away. They are not in the garden now. The snow, frost, and hail return.
suddenly strange corner frozen short into scared
一天早上,巨人躺在床上。突然,他听到了一些类似鸟叫的声音。“那真是一件奇怪的事”他想:“我没有听到风吹的声音或是冰刨下落的声音”巨人从窗外往外看。他看到一些小孩子坐在树上,树上开满了花,鸟儿在边飞边唱。红花和绿草覆盖着地面。在一个角落,冬天没有回来。一个小孩子在一棵结冰的树下哭泣,他想爬上那树,但是他太矮了。北风一直在他身边吹。“爬上来”树对小男孩说。“我爬不上”小男孩哭着说“我太矮了” 巨人对那个小男孩感觉很悲伤“现在我知道春天为什么不来我的花园了”他想“我太自私了,我让那些贫穷的小男孩到树上玩”现在,巨人希望那些小孩子每天都可以到他的花园玩。他想要他们爬到树上去,想要他们边跑边笑,想要他们开心。 巨人打开他的门走出了花园。当孩子们看到巨人,他们都很害怕的走开了。现在,他们不在花园里,风雪跟冰刨有回来了。 --译文来自: shujunhaibo