
【Dialogue 2】

A: Lucy, you look nice with that blouse today. It ——1—— your skirt.
B: Thank you.
I happened to ——2—— of it yesterday in a fashion shop and there is only one left in my size. And what's cool is that it only costs me 18 pounds.
A: Really? Did you get that ——3——?
B: I sure did. There's a big sale at the store.
A: That's great. Is the sale still going on?
B: It's going to last until Saturday



All out now, please come earlier tomorrow. 全卖完了,明天早点来吧。
I am afraid we are out of them today. 恐怕这种商品今天全部售出了。
I'm afraid

答案:goes so well with catch sight on sale
露西,今天你穿的那件上衣真漂亮,和你的裙子很搭配。 谢谢。我昨天碰巧在一个时装店里看到了这件衣服。我的这个号码只剩一件了。更令我高兴的是只花了18英镑。 真的吗,这是你在打折时买的吗? 当然了。这个商店现在正在大减价。 太好了。现在还有降价活动吗? 一直进行到星期六呢。