I hear a lot about global warming, but how do scientists take the Earth's temperature? Great question. Most of the excess heat trapped by greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide ends up in the oceans. That's because the earth's oceans are kind of like a giant sponge that can hold a lot of heat for a…
Y: 我听到很多关于与全球变暖的事情,但科学家们是怎么测量地球温度呢? D: 问得好。温室里的大多余热像二氧化碳之类气体的都被海洋吸收了。这是因为地球就像一块巨大的海绵,可以长时间容纳大量的热量。 Y: 实际上海洋是很大的,它占据了地球大部分的面积。海洋有的地方比较暖和,而有的地方比较寒冷。所以并不是那样,你…