Some interesting electrical activity in the clouds of ash ___1___ around Europe as a result of that ___2___ volcano. Models predicted that electrical charge should be limited to the top and bottom of any ash plume, which is often the site of spectacular lightning.
___3___ And that such charge was being generated within the plume—it wasn’t a remnant of the energy of the volcanic eruption or a result of any local weather events. Interactions among ash particles seem to be constantly renewing the charge.
The finding appears in the journal Environmental Research Letters and is the first ___4___ research related to the April volcano eruption.
The study authors note that charging can change the way the particles ___5___ and how they interact with rain. The practical reason for understanding the electrical nature of ash plumes is that they can interfere with aircraft radio communication. And if any charged ash infiltrates a plane, it could be an electrostatic hazard, to the plane’s systems and to the plane’s passengers.
drifting Icelandic But info obtained by a weather balloon found significant electrical charge within the plume. peer-reviewed clump
近日,研究人员在笼罩欧洲全境的冰岛火山灰云团中发现了有趣的电现象。根据以前的模型,电荷仅存在于火山灰羽状物的顶部和低端,那里时常发生华丽的闪电。 但气象气球搜集的数据显示,火山灰羽状物内部也存在大量电荷,这些电荷并非火山爆发的剩余能量,也不是当地天气造成的结果,而是火山灰羽状物内部的产物。其中粒子的碰撞不断产生新的电荷。 该研究成果刊载于《环境研究快报》,是有关今年4月冰岛火山喷发的第一篇经过同行审查的研究文献。(作者:R·G·哈里森等,HNic0) 研究人员发现,火山灰羽状物内部的电荷活动能改变火山灰粒子集中的状态,影响它们与降雨之间的相互作用。进行此类研究的实际原因在于火山灰带电性将对飞机无线电通讯造成干扰。同时,火山灰带电粒子进入机身将对飞机及乘客造成静电危害。