He calls it an American journey; Time magazine reporter Joe Klein traveled the US for 24 days in the run-up to the American midterm election to gauge the key concerns of voters. One issue raised repeatedly,the growing economic rivalry between the US and China. "The interesting thing is that I didn't bring China up,they did. It was one of the first things that they brought up.It was tremendous concern and anguish." This campaign season,politicians are taking notice." We've lost 91,000 jobs to China through unfair trade deals like NAFTA,the kind of deals Gibbs wants more of 91,000 jobs. As they say in China,'Xiexie Mr.Gibbs.'Free trading,job killing Bob Gibbs. Now,we knew the economy is gonna be central in this election. I'm so surprised to see free trade,trade isn’t usually something that,you know,in American politics is right at the top of the list. Together,Wall Street and big government over the last 30 years,has given us this free trade policy that has caused an awful lot of manufacturing jobs to go overseas. And people are beginning to wonder,maybe we should have paid $50 more for a DVD player. So who is benefiting from,who is really benefiting from free trade and starting to be,what the conversation is? Right.OK,let's have a look at the next one.