December twenty-fifth is Christmas. The holiday has many traditions. Some special trees and plants are part of the Christmas tradition. One of the most popular is the evergreen tree. It is usually a pine or a fir. It remains green during the cold, dark months of winter in the northern part of…
12月25日是圣诞节,这个节日有着许多的传统。一些特别种类的树和植物就是圣诞传统中的一部分。 这其中最受欢迎的是常青树。一般是一棵松树或者冷杉。他们在北半球冬天最寒冷的日子里依然保持着他们的绿意。许多人会买一棵常青树过圣诞, 人们把它放在他们的房间中,然后在他们的枝丫上挂满小小的彩灯和彩色的物品。一些人喜欢…