Abe Mirza is an American, fifty-nine years old and retired. He was trained as an accountant. In fact, he has three degrees in financial record keeping. And he has over twenty years of experience as a business executive.After four years of retirement, he decided that it was time to give something bac…
Abe Mirza是一个59岁退休了的美国人。他是一名会计师。实际上,他在金融记账方面有三个学位。他作为一个商业务经理有20余年的经验。退休四年后,他决定是时候回报社会了。 在网上,他搜索了一个经济发展组织,即国际行政服务公司。这个私营的非赢利组织将志愿专家和付费咨询师与发展中国家当地的商人联系在一起。它作为一个…