They spent two weekends this fall, repairing homes in Jonesville, Virginia. By sawing and hammering alongside the Cloyds, doing the kind of work Austin had a passion for, the Virginia Tech students say they felt they revived her memory. Volunteer Kate Andrukonis says they also made ne…
今年秋天,他们花了2个周末修缮在弗吉尼亚Jonesvilles的房子。 通过在Cloyds家房屋周围进行修补以及做一些奥斯汀喜欢做的事情,弗吉尼亚理工大学的学生说他们觉得似乎又记起她的点点滴滴。 志愿者Kate Andrukonis说他们也交到了新朋友。 “我们是一群来自不同专业的孩子,基本上背景不同。因此,在这次旅行之前,我们互不了…