The Senate bill, sponsored by Virginia Republican Senator John Warner and Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut, who calls himself an Independent Democrat, would set up a complex emissions trading system similar to one used by the European Union. The measure would set caps on U.S. emissions of green…
由维吉尼亚州参议员约翰·华纳和美国康涅狄格州的参议员乔·林伯曼(他称自己是独立的民主党人)提供资助的参议院议案将会建立一个和欧盟曾设立的排污权交易制度类似的复杂系统。 这项举措将会从2012年开始限制美国的造成温室效应的废气排放。目标是到2050年减少63%的排放废气。立法机构会建立一个激励机制来物质奖励减少废…