After the noose incident, six black students at the school were initially charged with murder in connection with the beating of a white student. One of the black suspects served nearly ten months in jail. The so-called "Jena 6" case has angered many African Americans. Since the Jena case, there have…
(耶拿学校)套索事件之后,6名黑人学生最初因涉嫌殴打一白人学生而被起诉,其中一名黑人学生嫌犯入狱近10个月。 这就是所说的激怒众多非裔美国人的“耶拿6学生事件”。 自耶拿事件以来,全美已发生了另外几起套索事件。联邦检控官说他们正在积极调查这几宗事件,看是否应该起诉,并申明因为耶拿案件中的嫌疑犯是未成年人,…