Last week we reported about new advice on autism from the American Academy of Pediatrics. It said doctors should look for signs of the brain disorder when they examine babies at eighteen months and twenty-four months. At the same time, the medical group provided new guidelines for care and treatment…
上周,我们报道了来自美国儿科学会关于幼儿孤独症的最新建议。报道称医生在检查十八月和二十四个月婴儿的时,应查找大脑紊乱的症状。 同时,该医学组织提供了一旦被确诊为孤独症患者后,如何护理并治疗孤独症患儿的方案。我们承诺在本周内将提供更多关于新指南的信息。孤独症是一组限制社交技能发展的大脑紊乱综合征的通称。…