Joe Jutras住在小州---罗德岛,但是他的想法却很大。今年,他种出了重达760公斤的南瓜...
He worked with his record-breaker twenty to thirty hours each week during the main growing season in July and August. He needed a forklift truck to carry it to the official weighing. The competition took place a few weeks ago at a fair in Topsfield, Rhode Island. By the way, Joe Jutras is no…
在南瓜生长季节7、8月间,他每周会花20-30小时照顾这个破记录的南瓜。他需要用铲车把这颗南瓜载到官方称重地点称重。这项比赛在几周前在罗德岛Topsfield的一个集市中开始。 顺便说一下,Joe Jutras并不是农民。他经营一家木工艺厂;更确切的说,当它不需要照顾他的南瓜时,他在经营那家工厂。 美国人,尤其是儿童,一想起南…