October sixteenth is World Food Day. The campaign chosen for this year by the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization is "The Right to Food." The aim is to demonstrate that human rights are increasingly recognized as an important part of ending hunger and poverty. Worldwide, the United Nations says m…
10月16日是世界粮食日。今年联合国粮农组织为这一天组织的活动叫“享有食物的权利”。其目的是为了表明解决贫穷和饥饿正越来越成为维护人权的重要组成部分。 联合国称全世界有8.5亿人徘徊在饥饿与半饥饿的边缘。每年估计有近500万不满5岁的儿童死于营养不良。当食品援助的时候,食品的质量与数量同样重要。 为了帮助这些深处…