Jones' admission came to light in a letter to her family and friends published by the Washington Post newspaper. In the letter, Jones admitted taking the banned-steroid THG, known by its street name "the clear," because it could not be detected by dope tests. The three-time Olympic gol…
在由华盛顿邮报发表的一封琼斯写给家人和朋友的信中,琼斯承认服用禁药。信中琼斯承认服用体育禁药类固醇"The Clear",也就是四氢孕三烯酮(THG),而这种药在药检中不会被查出。 这位2000年悉尼奥运会3块奥运金牌获得者表示从1999年开始她的前任教练格雷厄姆就让她服用禁药。琼斯称当时格雷厄姆告诉她服用的是亚麻子油。琼斯在…