Jones entered the plea Friday afternoon in U.S. District Court in White Plains, New York. The former sprint queen, dressed in a dark pinstriped suit and peach colored shirt, fought back tears as she addressed reporters, her family and friends outside the White Plains, New York court ho…
琼斯于周五下午在纽约怀特普莱恩斯联邦地方法院开庭受审。这位昔日短跑女皇身着深色细条服和桃色衬杉强忍着眼泪在纽约怀特普莱恩斯法院外向记者、家人及朋友发表了讲话。 琼斯在自己缴纳保证金后被释放并被要求于1月11日回到法庭接受宣判。这位前短跑名将说到她辜负了她的支持者和家人,他们有权利生她的气。她说她希望人们…