Diane Longacre
One of the best ways to protect yourself and other people from getting sick is to wash your hands with soap. To make soap, you need 3 main things: oil, water and lye. The oil can come from animal fat or plant sources like avocado, coconut or sunflower. Lye can be found at markets and other stores t…
用肥皂洗手是保护自己和他人不染病的最好方法之一。做肥皂需要三种主要物质:油、水和碱液。 油可以使用动物脂肪或植物原料,如鳄梨、椰子或者向日葵。碱液可以在超市或者其他卖清洁用品的商店买到。碱液,拼写为l-y-e,也称作氢氧化钠或氢氧化钾。 要非常小心。碱液可以导致严重的烧伤。如果弄到眼睛里面也可导致失明。不…