Philip Booth
Ross Brawn
Philip Booth from the Institute of Economic Affairs says banks in Britain that have been recapitalized by the government are trying to strike a balance between retaining some of those funds while also loosening up lending to help the economy in general. "The banks are desperate not to make the same…
经济事务研究所的菲利普·布思说,已经被政府资本重组的英国银行正努力到达一种平衡:银行持有一定资金的同时降低贷款标准以帮助恢复整体经济。 “银行极力避免不再犯同样的错误,同时,他们想努力重建资产负债表以使银行市场、存储和借贷的市场能重新恢复正常。” 在汽车行业,汽车制造商宝马公司宣布,比去年同期相比,其…