Peter Morici
Rick Wagoner
The companies now have until December 2nd to explain how they would use the loans as part of long-term plans to save their businesses. Congress is prepared to consider the plans the week of December 8th. Peter Morici, a professor of international business at the University of Maryland, is among eco…
截至12月2号以前,这些公司必须说明他们会怎样将这些贷款作为挽救他们生意的长期计划里的一部分。国会已经准备好12月8号的这个星期研究这些计划。 马里兰大学国际商业系的教授彼得.莫里奇是那些反对紧急救援的经济学家其中的一个。他出席了这周的听证会。他表示应让汽车工业三巨头破产。他说,如果他们想要避免破产,他们可…