Henry Paulson
The top officials from Europe, North America and Japan agreed on a joint action to stabilize markets and restore confidence. Saying that the current situation requires urgent action, they pledged cooperation on measures to unfreeze credit and get banks to lend to one another. They promised to use al…
来自欧洲、北美和日本的首脑们决定联合行动来稳定市场和恢复信心。考虑到当前的形势需要紧急行动,他们承诺合作采取措施解除冻结的贷款,让银行之间互相借贷。 他们承诺将尽全力来防止那些会动摇全球金融系统的银行和机构的倒闭。他们将提高存款保险以提高存款人的信心,确保他们的钱会很安全。最后,他们将会采取行动来确…