Hints: Judd Gregg ; Barney Frank
Emerging from a meeting with President Bush at the White House, Paulson said he was very disappointed after so much bipartisan work on the bill, saying the administration and Congress need to work as quickly as possible on a revised plan that can be implemented as soon as possible. "I will continue …
陪同布什总统出席白宫的一个会议时,珀尔森说他很失望,居然两党派费了如此大的功夫在这个议案上,布什政府和国会需要尽快制定出修改方案,并尽快实施。 “我将继续和国会领导人一起努力寻找能通过一项综合方案来稳定金融系统的方法,控制我们经济进一步恶化的势头,保护美国人民。” 参议院,原本该处理众议院通过的…