The news headlines are hard to ignore. The Wall Street Journal newspaper describes the financial upheaval as the worst crisis since the 1930's, with no end in sight. Voters tend to prefer Democrats during tough economic times. And Democratic nominee Barack Obama has taken every opportunity to link t…
对新闻头条不予理睬是很难的。《华尔街日报》称目前美国的金融动荡是自二十世纪三十年代以来最严重的金融危机,并且结束时间不可预见。 在经济形势严峻期间,选民们往往更喜欢民主党。并且,民主党总统提名人奥巴马抓住每一个时机,将美国的经济灾难与总统布什以及想在竞选中取得胜利共和党总统提名人——麦凯恩相关联。…