提示:Zocalo;Adiel Asch
Scores of towns and cities took part in silent marches to show a united front against escalating kidnappings and murders. In Mexico City, an overflow crowd of more than 100,000 gathered in the capital city's main Zocalo square. As indigenous musicians blew into sea shells to signal the start of …
许多城镇参加了静默游行,形成一个联合阵线来反对不断升级的绑架和谋杀事件。 在首都墨西哥城,超过10万人的人群蜂拥而至聚集在主城的中央广场。一位本地的音乐家向贝壳里吹气(来演奏音乐)宣告了此次集会的开始,示威者身着白衣,手持燃烧的蜡烛以及写着“适可而止”“我们想要和平的生活”和“判绑架犯死刑”的标语。…