Whoever said you cannot get something for nothing has not searched the Internet lately. An increasing number of Web sites offer users a chance to give things away and get things for free. The goal is to keep useful things from being thrown away. This helps people and keeps waste out of the environme…
那些说你不可能免费得到什么的人最近都没有上过网。(如今)越来越多的网站在为用户提供赠送并免费获得物品的机会。(它们)旨在避免有用物品被丢弃。这帮助了人们,同时也减少了对环境的污染。 最大的交换网站是(自由循环网)。德伦•贝尔于2003年以非营利组织的形式建立了Freecycle。该网站说,它在多于…