Nothing But Nets was launched two years ago after sports writer Rick Reilly wrote about malaria in Sports Illustrated magazine. He urged his readers to donate money to the United Nations Foundation for its efforts to buy treated bed nets. Since then, the campaign has raised more than twenty mill…
Nothing But Nets是继运动作家Rick Reilly 在体育画报杂志上发表了关于疟疾的文章后于两年前发起的运动。他呼吁他的读者捐钱给联合国基金会来尽力帮助对付疟疾的蚊帐。 从那以后,这个运动就筹集了200多万美元的捐款。国家篮球协会,联合卫理公会和其它的组织都加入到这项运动中来。 迄今为止,这项运动表示他们为非洲…