The Securities and Exchange Commission in the United States recently moved to protect nineteen major financial stocks. The agency gave an emergency order to restrict what is known as "naked" short selling of those stocks. This is a form of stock trading that is being blamed for sharp drops in the pr…
美国证券交易委员会近日采取行动以维持19家主要金融公司的股价。该机构发布了一项紧急措施以限制对这些股票进行所谓的“无卷买卖”。“无卷买卖”是导致一些金融股价格暴跌的原因。 卖空是一种在股价下跌时赚钱的方法。即,借入证券,当预期股价将会下跌时再卖出借入的证券,最后,再买回证券并且归还之前借入的证券。 如果…