Launching the report, the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, Antonio Guterres, said that for the second year in a row the number of people fleeing their countries and displaced from their homes is on the rise.   "We have today 11.4 million refugees worldwide, but we have 26 million people displac…
联合国难民署事务高级专员古特雷斯在发布这个报告时说,这是逃离自己国家和离开家园流离失所的人数连续上升的第二年。 他说“目前,全世界的难民数到达1140万,但是我们还有2600万人在境内流离失所。” 古特雷斯说这在很大程度上应归咎于战争冲突。仅仅是伊拉克和阿富汗的难民就占了全球总难民数的一半。1140万这个数据还不…